The Stinger Story
Once upon a time...
Hockey became life for two young boys -- Knox and Roman.
Their passions fueled them toward big goals both on and off the ice. Motivated to become the best athletes possible, they continuously trained and strategized together.
Life on their bucolic homestead was home to several beehives and like many budding apiarists, they were swimming in beeswax. With hockey always on the brain, the boys had a eureka moment. The wax should be used on their sticks!
After creating the perfect formula and ensuring great success at the rink, the young entrepreneurs went from teammates to business partners and decided to share their product with you – unless you play for their rivals, of course.
The Stinger Story
Get Your Stinger Wax

Why Use Hockey Wax
read moreWax increases the life of the tape and ultimately your stick by preventing water from settling on the tape. The tack added to your stick makes handling the puck easy, allowing you to advance your skills.
How Our Wax is Made
read moreKnox and Roman played a huge role in every step of developing Stinger Wax.
Our wax is (and always will be) handmade using a blend of soft microcrystalline and Pennsylvania beeswax.
Up your game with Stinger Wax.
The History of Hockey Wax
read moreFor decades hockey players have used wax on their stick tape. In the 1990’s stick wax was nothing more than, and often literally nothing more than candles that were swiped from Mom.